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Is your Home Safe from Fall Risk?

Dr. Pat McShane

Falls are a somewhat neglected risk factor for health and longevity. Falls may result in major skeletal or spinous injury, or head trauma. Prolonged hospitalization and surgery may be required. A serious fall may often lead to disability and even death.

A recent review in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) outlined what measures one can take to prevent falls in the home. The most important measures were proper lighting, stair rails and reduction of clutter. These home hazard reductions were particularly useful for people at high risk of falling, including those with previous falls, various medications and mobility limitations.

Earlier studies have shown that certain activities and exercises reduce the risk of serious falls. Strength training and balance exercises have been shown to reduce the risk of falls, as I have reviewed in my video, Women’s Healthspan: Falling, Falling Falling. Take a peek!

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